Monday, February 03, 2014

National Crêpe Day: Why Not Celebrate It All Week Long?

Crepe cake made with lemon, cream, and strawberries
February 2 is synonymous as the day when the groundhog saw his shadow and when the Seattle Seahawks annihilated the Denver Broncos with a 43-8 score at this year's Superbowl.

In spite of many of us having to endure six more weeks of winter (the Polar Vortex is no one's friend) and regardless of the fact that there will be contentious/or highly blissful workers in the workplace this week: You can always find simple respite with National Crepe Day, which is also, coincidentally, celebrated on Feb 2.

Unlike the Superbowl and Groundhog day, you can celebrate National Crepe Day all week long, if you like, and use this holiday as an excuse for more "me" time.
Hungry, Hungry Groundhog!

It's also tradition in France to serve crepes February 2 (also called Avec Crepe Day), as a way to celebrate Virgin Mary Blessings Day. Did you know that crepes can be eaten anytime during the day; it's not just a dessert item.

Whether you want to fill crepes with yogurt and strawberries for dessert or if you want to add manchego cheese, chicken and spinach for dinner---crepes can cut cooking time in half.

In honor of this special holiday, we found seven crepe recipes you can use for the rest of the week.

National Crepe Day Recipes

Crepe Football, anyone?
The best way to commemorate this singular day in history is by making this Super Bowl Seven Layer Dip Recipe.You can either change the shape from a football to a groundhog, it all depends on what you want to celebrate.

If you are a big fan of  the Food Network's Bobby Flay, then you may love this Crepe Suzette Recipe here.

France may be known for making wonderful crepes but other parts of the world have unique crepe recipes too. Hungary, for example, has a delicious Apricot Crepe recipe right here.

Crepes are versatile. You can use them to make a cake for all sorts of holidays. Mille Crepe Cakes, which translates to thousand crepe cake, is the perfect recipe for the baker at heart.

On the go? If you don't have anytime for a complicated crepe recipe, then try slicing up pieces of pepper jack cheese, spinach, tomatoes and olives into a crepe. Fold your crepe into a fourth, then microwave it for a minute. Lunch is served.

Most kids love sweets. If you want to impress a little one, try adding chocolate ice cream inside of your crepe. Fold over your crepe, and sprinkle blueberries, strawberries and bananas on top. The final touch, of course, would be a dollop of whipped cream. M&M's are always optional too!

That's Amore! Valentines day is right around the corner and today can be great practice for it. Check out this delicious lasagna recipe here.

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